Posts made in April 27th, 2008

>Photo Hunt #21 Funny/Creative Signs

Posted by on Apr 27, 2008 in Cambodia, Cambodia life, China, culture, Photo Hunt, sights | 0 comments


Hi, I am back for this week’s Photo Hunt. I was absent from my blogging duties and I want to start making up now…

It is not so difficult to find pictures for this week’s theme. Walking around the the streets of Phnom Penh (and China) is like walking around a treasureland of posters and signs where the message being relayed is far from being funny but ended up with a funny message anyway. Here’s some.

Let’s start from my own inbox:
email to dead me
I do not mind the mistakes in the content, but I DO mind the salutation…

At a hotel in Kampong Thom province:

Along the highway…
local print ad

Here’s one from China…
chinese sign

Here’s one poster that I think is nicely done. The message being relayed is a serious one, and it is presented straight-to-the-point to the readers. Even the non-Khmers can the tell the issue right away…
buddhism and forestry2

For more funny/creative signs, just head over to the Photo Hunters HQ.

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