APAD 078: Phnom Penh as seen from a plane

Posted by on May 28, 2011 in A Photo a Day, Addicted to Meme, All things Khmer, Photo Hunt, sights | 4 comments

It feels good to come home! Taken in December 2007 after more than two weeks of work-related travel (Malaysia and Nepal). In my case, home for now – and in the last 11 years – is Phnom Penh. 
I was so excited to be home that time, having narrowly avoided the Christmas rush – what a huge relief it was! To keep my excitement at bay, I kept on looking out the plane’s window, and down, to see the landscape. I think I did a pretty good job in capturing the chocolate landscape that looks like a giant jigsaw puzzle. And look, I even captured the shadow of the airplane. This is one of my favourite pictures!
This is my comeback entry (for the  nth time) at Photo Hunt. More Photo Hunters are found at tnchick’s site. Please click the link to go there.
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  1. Great take on the theme Sreisaat. Welcome back to the hunt!

  2. I haven't been in a plane for years. I always enjoyed looking down at the checkerboard effect of the farm fields and all the different colors. Very nice.My looking down is here. Have a great weekend!

  3. very beautiful shot

  4. Great arial photo. Have a great weekend.


  1. Photo Hunt: ZOOM | Sreisaat Adventures - [...] This was previously posted here. [...]

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