Posts made in July 4th, 2011

APAD 113: Devotion

Posted by on Jul 4, 2011 in A Photo a Day, Addicted to Meme, All things Khmer, ancient temples, Angkor Wat, Cambodia, Cambodia life, Mellow Yellow Monday, sights | 4 comments

This is a small, make-shift shrine tucked inside one of the halls of the great Angkor Wat.
There are a lot of yellow and yellow-gold stuffs going on here – yellow incense sticks, candles, umbrella, and the spiral tree – all represent good luck, good karma, happiness and abundance. Local people who visit Angkor Wat never fail to light candles and incense sticks here and pray and give tribute to their great ancestors who built the majestic temples. Visitors also offer lotus flowers and fruits to the Lord Buddha and to their ancestors that they watch over them the whole year.

The smell of the incense and the smoke it gave off provided an ethereal feel, at least to me, when I visited Angkor Wat. It’s as if I stepped into another world… a mysterious, celestial place.

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