Posts made in May 12th, 2014

APAD 242 : Pizza Sunday

Posted by on May 12, 2014 in A Photo a Day, Addicted to Meme, Cambodia life, Cycle 2, Expat Life, food, That's My World, What's On in Cambodia | 0 comments

Who needs a conventional oven when you can make delicious pizza from charcoal-fired “oven”?

Sundays mean cooking outdoors  at home!

Sundays mean cooking outdoors at home!

Homemade pizza sauce, pepperoni and cheese. The usual but YUM.

Homemade pizza sauce, pepperoni and cheese. The usual but YUM.

My husband and I, we’re both pizza bugs. Since we haven’t bought a new oven yet (the old one is still in our Tuol Kork apartment) and we’ve been experiencing serious cravings for homemade pizzas, my husband made a makeshift, outdoor, charcoal-fired “oven” using a large glazed (garden, ehem) pot, and a charcoal stove. The smoke helped give more flavour to the pizza!

We haven’t perfected the oven and the baking yet as we have to determine the right temperature, etc., but we’ve had success in our second attempt! Here’s one of the pizzas that were made from this oven last Sunday.

Monday Mellow Yellows

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