APAD 063: Do you have room for more?

Posted by on May 11, 2011 in A Photo a Day, Addicted to Meme, All things Khmer, people, transportation, Wordless Wednesday | 5 comments

Do you know how many people this moto-scooter holds? Make a guess.

If you look closely you will find that there are actually five people on this moto. Not only that the moto-scooter is overloaded but the baby is standing on his mum’s legs and only his mum’s arms for protection. Notice that only the driver has a helmet. Unbelievable, isn’t it?

This is a common sight here and it is one of the sights that gets me rather worked up. Talking on the phone while driving is another. 

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  1. Maybe the streets are so crowded they are never able to go much faster than walking pace?Lucy

  2. Hi Lucy… it was crowded only on this part because there is a junction. They crawled through the crowd on the wrong side of the road. After passing the bottle-neck there the moto-scooter drove away fast.

  3. That's really scary! And crazy! 🙂WW: Alligator Fun

  4. that's common in Asian countries, i think. the Philippines has more daring motorcycle feats.

  5. I know it's a common sight but, still, YIKES!!

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