APAD 238: A broken wing

Posted by on Jan 16, 2012 in A Photo a Day, Addicted to Meme, Cambodia life, Expat Life, Signs, That's My World | 6 comments

We have a small veranda garden in our apartment. Nothing spectacular, just greens and flowering plants in pots. We have orchids and roses and they give me pleasure every time I see their flowers bloom. We also have regular free-loaders and visitors who stay in the garden…

… this visitor seems to have a broken wing. My husband and I found it one morning resting on this plant.

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  1. Pretty little visitor – pity about it’s wing, though. The markings look awfully like that of a wasp!

  2. how pretty, even with a broken wing.

  3. it looks as though something got a bite out of that wing. this guy narrowly escaped with his life. happy day to you.

  4. Simply gorgeous!

    MYM at my page, have a great week!

  5. beautiful butterfly 🙂 visiting from Mellow Yellow Monday, hope that you can return the visit too.

  6. Poor butterfly:( It has the beautiful color of yellow!

    Visiting for MYM!Here’s my share-hope you can visit:)


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