APAD 057: Stop…..!!

Posted by on May 5, 2011 in Addicted to Meme, All things Khmer, Cambodia life, Signs, Wordless Wednesday | 8 comments

This is the first Khmer word in Khmer script that I learned to read and write – “chhuop“, or stop.
It is composed of only 3 letters, with a symbol ‘. The third letter is “bo” (or letter b, it’s equivalent in the Roman alphabet).  If it has the symbol  written on top of that letter, it means it’s a short b (it pronounced almost sounding like the letter p). Anyways, please excuse my blabberings 🙂

I wonder though if these STOP/CHHUOP signs are installed on the streets, to compliment the red traffic lights, would some Khmer drivers actually stop from running on red lights? Just a thought.

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  1. I like bilingual signs.

  2. nice shot.

  3. thank you for explaining how the language works (in this sign), this sign gives you no choice but to stop and wait!I also see another stop sign symbol in the background.

  4. Maybe people will stop if they put gates like this at the intersections!

  5. Terrific sign…always good to have an English translation for the tourists…:)

  6. Nice sign!

  7. I find it interesting how even with such a universally understood shape as a stop sign, the word stop still needs to be in English!

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