APAD 062 Khmer shrine at the riverside

It is actually more of a shrine, located in Sisowath Quay, facing the Chroy Changvar Peninsula. On vesak days (Buddhist holy days), people flock to this shrine to light incense and to pray; some leave offerings such as lotus flowers and bananas. The pavillion behind it serves as the main stage during important celebrations, such as the Khmer Water Festival. It is where the King of Cambodia, other royalties, and high-ranking government officials sit to watch the boat-racing competition. More photos at That’s My World



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  1. great catch for my world,,,, Have a nice weekdays! I hope to see you around @ my little world.

  2. Lovely photo over at your part of the world. Visited Cambodia two years ago, lovely place and nice culture. Surprised people over there can speak many languages just like my country.

  3. that is a beautiful temple. the gold is so warm.

  4. i love the details on the roof. beautiful.

  5. what a beautiful place…

  6. Brilliant and gorgeous! It's interesting to know that bananas are offered.Regarding to your comment to my post, I've been to Kiyosato, too. I could see Mt.Fuji in the distance that time.

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