APAD 076: Budget vegetarian meal

Posted by on May 26, 2011 in A Photo a Day, Addicted to Meme, All things Khmer, Cambodia life, food, sights, Signs | 10 comments

Whoever thought of this is  brilliant. This is a monster hit not only for the locals but also for expats. For only 3000riels (US $1=4000riels), you have three vegetarian viands of your choice and rice. It comes with bottomless hot tea as well. Not bad.
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  1. Hand lettered signs have a lot of character.

  2. Good sign.

  3. Someone did a really good job in making this sign – hand lettered, easy to read, and it definitely stands out and gets it's point across!

  4. wow, less than a dollar for this set? it would be a blockbuster hit here, too.:p parang pila ng lotto dito pag ganyan kamura. LOLi love the sign!Signs

  5. Looks very less cost but I think people have also less 🙁 LG Tina

  6. Chalkboard signs are a rarity. This one is nicely done – the writer must have had a good meal there, too!

  7. that is a great deal.

  8. It does sound good – but I don't know how this price would compare with other meals in the same area.Lucy

  9. It does sound good – but I don't know how this price would compare with other meals in the same area.Lucy

  10. Great sign and a great price for a great meal. What more can I say? Hope you are having a nice weekend. Genie

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