Most companies these days have learned to use tuk-tuks as tools to promote their businesses or create awareness for some. Not only that it is a lot, lot cheaper than other advertising tools, it is unique andΒ  effective as, obviously, tuk-tuks are visible throughout the city as they move around.

Tuk-tuks, or auto-rickshaws, are motor vehicles that are one of the common modes of transportation in South and Southeast Asia, especially as a vehicle for hire.

I was surprised to see this old-school style of sign along Kampuchea Krom Boulevard the other week. It’s very rare to find this kind nowadays as most signs are now digitally-made. The sign is actually showing a list of places of interest in Phom Penh.

More signs all over the world at Signs, Signs. Please do have a look.

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  1. Very colorful! It definitely looks like a great way to advertise just about anything.

    • Yes, including a personal job request!

  2. Tuk-tuks is a new word for me! But the idea of moving signs works here too, especially on transit buses. πŸ™‚

    • Tuk-tuk is actually a word borrowed from the Thai language.

      • Hi, I am just about to say that you and Thailand share the same term for ‘tuktuk’ then you have answered it here. We call it here as ‘tricycle’. Yours in Cambodia is more comfortable and bigger than what we have here in Northeren Luzon, but we also have bigger styles in the south.

  3. One thing about visiting blogs like your’s is that I learn something new about other people’s counties. You can show me first hand.

    • Thanks, Andy. And that’s what I feel, too, when I go to your blog and others πŸ™‚

  4. That’s a nice picture and I can see how it would be effective. And I definitely learned a new word today!

  5. I LIKE that word – tuk-tuks! How cute! This is like the buses in the city – with advertisements on the side. I like that this is a hand-made sign – still gets the job done!

    • Yes,the sign caught my attention because it was hand-made, different from the others.

  6. Its a cheaper form of advertising. We see this type in cars.

  7. A unique way to advertise!

  8. How fascinating is this! Good to have something to read easily when stuck in a traffic jam! Good one!

    • That’s right, Gemma.

  9. Not only advertising tourist attractions, but also a work request!

  10. Terrific sign.

  11. Leslie, yes. I chuckled at the inserted text there at the bottom. A job request – why not? πŸ˜€

  12. our tricycles here have started to carry ads, too. i should take a photo one of these days.:p

    great shot!

  13. Great sign! The public transport advertising downunder here in Australia isn’t anywhere near so colourful!! I wonder did anyone offer the driver a job yet??!!

  14. Interesting sign, new word for me too.

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