APAD 209: Orchids in the city

Posted by on Nov 28, 2011 in A Photo a Day, Addicted to Meme, Cambodia, Cambodia life | 3 comments

Beautiful orchids, aren’t they?
They adorn the garden of the newly-opened spa in the same street where my little bro lives.

If I’m not mistaken, there was another business establishment in the same spot where the spa is now. I don’t remember it now but it might be a restaurant. Business in the city come and go. For every shop, restaurant, or spa that shuts down, a new one opens and takes its place. Just like that; a cycle of sorts.

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  1. They’re beautiful.

  2. Great shot!

    Have a fabulous week.

    Liz @ MLC

  3. will be more beautiful if photo has been take a little closer:)

    Visiting for MYM! Hope you can visit me too:)


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