APAD 220: Free-loader

Posted by on Dec 14, 2011 in A Photo a Day, Addicted to Meme, Cambodia life | 4 comments

Found this fat and lazy free-loader eating up all the green goodness out of my roses!

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  1. that is so beautiful!

  2. Beautiful! Have a fabulous week.

    Liz @ MLC
    Liz @ MCN

  3. Lovely flower..

    Visiting for MYM! Here’s mine- hope you can visit too:)


  4. beautiful flower, loved it 🙂 Visiting for MYM, hope that you can return the favor too


  1. APAD 228: Spiky | Inside Cambodia - [...] a close up of the yellowish-greenish free-loader in my garden. It looks scary, isn’t [...]
  2. APAD 238: A broken wing | Inside Cambodia - [...] and roses and they give me pleasure every time I see their flowers bloom. We also have regular free-loaders…

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