Posts by The Insider

Monday Mellow Yellows: Toy

Posted by on Feb 22, 2016 in A Photo a Day, Addicted to Meme, Cambodia life, Cycle 4, My Dogspot, Pet Pride, That's My World, What's On in Cambodia | 3 comments

And I’m back again to blogging again. Hello, friends. How have you all been doing?
Hope everyone is well 🙂

Here’s my youngest dog and out of the three we have at home, this one’s very chill and not fussy. And he loves his toys tremendously.

Red and his favourite toy, Snoopydog, sleeping soundly next to each other.

Looks like Snoopydog needs another wash.

Monday Mellow Yellows

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Hello, 2016!

Posted by on Jan 21, 2016 in Cambodia life, Expat Life | 0 comments

Well, the new year is here and hopefully I’d be more successful in posting regularly 🙂

I can’t believe that we are about to end the first month of the year. Whew, time just flew by. So how is everybody? Did you all have a great holiday celebration? Did you get lots of pressies? I know you did 😉

One of my expat-friends here got himself peavey classic 30 (or something similar) for Christmas, something that he’s been longing for a long time. He’s into music production (he’s got gigs with his group and they do a lot of recordings), and boy, this lad couldn’t be more thrilled when his wife surprised him. So we expect more noise, errr, music, I mean, from him in the coming days.


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A simple Christmas celebration

Posted by on Dec 24, 2015 in Cambodia life, Expat Life, That's My World, What's On in Cambodia | 0 comments

It’s the day before Christmas and, just like what we did last year, we will be offline for a few days to celebrate the holidays quietly.

We didn’t put up the Christmas tree, we didn’t make any lists or shop for presents, and we won’t be preparing special treats. Instead, we are going for a simpler, more enjoyable holidays. For the past three years we have avoided the holiday fuss, the mad rush, and the crazy mass-commercialism the holiday season bring, and we intend to do so in the coming years.

Somewhere, someone is wishing for the latest gadget, a luxury-brand bag, or that awesome scott ian music accessory. My husband and I wish to celebrate simply and without much fuss, like enjoying Christmas dinner that we prepared ourselves and have a movie-marathon. Not bad, eh?

Anyways, I wish you all a very merry Christmas. May the new year 2016 be better, brighter and kinder to us and the whole world.

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Our World Tuesday: Statue

Posted by on Nov 10, 2015 in A Photo a Day, Addicted to Meme, All things Khmer, Cambodia life, Cycle 3, Expat Life, sights, That's My World, What's On in Cambodia | 0 comments

Just a random photo I took while visiting a local wat (Buddhist temple) in one of our weekend rides outside Phnom Penh.

Cambodian wats

I don’t know for sure who this man is supposed to represent but he could be representing the many patrons and/or donors of this wat.

Behind the statue of a well-dressed man are images of the Buddha. There were many of them, in different sizes, too.

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Monday Mellow Yellows: The day I woke up in the land of Berk

Posted by on Nov 9, 2015 in A Photo a Day, Addicted to Meme, All things Khmer, Cambodia life, Cycle 3, Expat Life, That's My World, What's On in Cambodia | 2 comments

Hello, friends! I’m back online.
Finding a reliable ISP here in Phnom Penh is like a needle in a haystack. That explains the blogging absence, sorry.  Oh, and the holidays that came one after another. Two weeks more and another one week holiday, the Water Festival, will be celebrated in the Kingdom.

Anyhoo, my yellow photos were taken the day before Halloween. The kids in my husband’s class were keen on making something spooky but since Halloween is not celebrated in Cambodia, my husband decided to do a make-a-dragon project instead since the class was reading the story of “How to Train Your Dragon”, anyway. And how the kids jumped gleefully at the idea. Here’s some photos that I took:

paper dragon made by kids

A two-headed dragon with crab pincher-like tails.

paper dragon made by kids

A duck-beaked dragon (top) and a Chinese dragon (bottom).

paper dragon made by kids

A stumpy-legged dragon.

paper dragons made by kids

A three-headed, four-winged dragon.

The kids are so imaginative and creative, aren’t they? Whatever language lessons and ideas they’ve learned from reading the book gets practiced or used via the making of paper dragons. Plus, they are learning handicrafts and problem-solving skills in a fun and engaging way.

Monday Mellow Yellows

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