>Clear, blue Phnom Penh sky

Posted by on Feb 10, 2009 in A Photo a Day, Phnom Penh, sights, Wordless Wednesday | 8 comments


Taken just a few kilometers off the Pochentong International Airport
via National Road #2

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  1. >Great photo! I like the contrast of colours, textures.

  2. >That’s a beautiful shot. The sky is such a vibrant color.

  3. >What a beautiful sky!!!

  4. >My kids will love this sight :)Zoooommmmm….

  5. >Woo! That’s a Malaysia Airlines plane! Happy WW. 🙂

  6. >Great shot…Happy WW:)

  7. >Striking photo. Thanks for sharing.

  8. >Great blue sky and great photo!

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