>Mellow Yellow Monday 003: Khmer New Year Offering

Posted by on Apr 20, 2009 in A Photo a Day, All things Khmer, Cambodia life, festivals, Mellow Yellow Monday, sights | 6 comments

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Last week, we celebrated the Khmer New Year. It’s a 3-day celebration that started last April 14 and ended on April 16. Buddhists believed that on the first day of the New Year, apsaras or devatas (Khmer angels) descend to replace the old ones here guarding the earth. On the photo is my landlady preparing her “altar”, filled with candles, incense, fruits and other food to greet the new batch of angels. To know more about how the Khmer New Year is celebration, please read this post.

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  1. >interesting glimpse into a cultural celebration!

  2. >Well, Happy New Year! Beautiful flowers and candles.

  3. >wow! what a beautiful yellow mellow monday shot! very nice!Tess (life is beautiful)

  4. >Lots of nice yellow touches in this photo…bright and colorful too….welcome to the new angels…

  5. >Very interesting! The flowers are amazing.

  6. >Nice idea, I like the idea of new angels coming to the Earth, they will get a pleasant welcome with all the pretty flowers and coka cola etc.

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