I have this thing, a fascination, for traditional handmade signs in Cambodia. So naturally, I had to take a photo of this roadside sign while on a road trip with my husband.

A locally-(hand)made sign. Signs like this are common in rural Cambodia. The can on top of the sign is an incense stick-holder.

A locally-(hand)made sign. Signs like this are common in rural Cambodia. The can on top of the sign is an incense stick-holder.

Look at the intricately painted Khmer script. It’s  For non-Khmer speakers, don’t fret. There’s a drawing (of a key) enough for us to imagine what the sign is all about.

Handmade Cambodian signs are unique but, sadly, they are slowly disappearing now that big advertising firms churning “modern” images have mushroomed in the country 🙁


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  1. Their alphabet is like a work of art.

  2. and the key to it’s message is?

  3. This hand-made sign is fascinating. And the script is like art in motion. Beautiful.

  4. The writing is art in itself!

  5. Even the numbers are hard to read in this fancy script!!
    It will be a great loss when all the signs start looking uniform.

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