APAD 261: Homemade curry powder mix
Indian curry is one of the dishes that make frequent appearance on our meals. I know how an Indian curry is supposed to taste like based on what we usually order from the Indian restaurants. Although we have a wide-selection of authentic Indian restaurants in Phnom Penh, I also try to make it at home from time to time. So, armed with a list culled from a few Indian food bloggers, I went to an Indian provision store to get my spices and ended up hoarding and making what my husband calls a “curry kit”.

My homemade curry powder mix: ground turmeric, cumin, fennel, coriander and fenugreek seeds. And, of course, fresh garlic and coriander leaves are used when cooking Indian curry.
The yellow-orangey colour comes from the turmeric powder.
Read MoreAPAD 249: Lonely up there
Today’s post comes after nearly a month of absence. A few months ago you might remember that I quit my job… which would have given me more time to blog. The answer is, unfortunately, NO. That didn’t happen.
One does not simply find time to blog.
But the good thing is, I am back again 🙂
And it’s banana season in my backyard.
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APAD 242 : Pizza Sunday
Who needs a conventional oven when you can make delicious pizza from charcoal-fired “oven”?
My husband and I, we’re both pizza bugs. Since we haven’t bought a new oven yet (the old one is still in our Tuol Kork apartment) and we’ve been experiencing serious cravings for homemade pizzas, my husband made a makeshift, outdoor, charcoal-fired “oven” using a large glazed (garden, ehem) pot, and a charcoal stove. The smoke helped give more flavour to the pizza!
We haven’t perfected the oven and the baking yet as we have to determine the right temperature, etc., but we’ve had success in our second attempt! Here’s one of the pizzas that were made from this oven last Sunday.
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