Posts Tagged "rural"

Skywatch Friday: Sunset over Kep

Posted by on May 22, 2015 in A Photo a Day, Addicted to Meme, All things Khmer, Cambodia life, Cycle 3, Expat Life, That's My World, travel, What's On in Cambodia | 2 comments

Sunset in Kep Cambodia

Watching the sun disappear in the horizon. Kep has, arguably, the best sunsets in the whole of Cambodia.

Photo taken from the upper floor of Kep Lodge’s restaurant.
Kep (facing the Gulf of Thailand), Cambodia


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Wordless Wednesday: Abandoned church

Posted by on May 20, 2015 in A Photo a Day, Addicted to Meme, All things Khmer, Cambodia life, Cycle 3, Expat Life, That's My World, travel, What's On in Cambodia | 0 comments

Old church built by the French at Bokor Hill Station

An old abandoned Catholic found in Bokor hill station.

One of the exciting things we did during the Khmer New Year holiday was go on a road trip to Kampot, to the popular Bokor Hill station. There we saw this old church that stands by the road, the image is eerie and haunting. More about this church in the following posts.


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Our World Tuesday: Ruins of Bokor Palace Hotel

Posted by on May 19, 2015 in A Photo a Day, Addicted to Meme, All things Khmer, Cambodia life, Cycle 3, Expat Life, sights, That's My World, travel, What's On in Cambodia | 4 comments

We celebrated the Khmer New Year in the coastal town of Kep, located down south of the country. The highlight of our holiday was a side-trip to neighbouring town, Kampot.

Kampot is a sleepy fishing town. It is small but the streets are wide and a bit dusty. It is the jump off base to the popular Bokor Hill Station up in Bokor Mountain where the popular ruins of an old French hotel and casino, Bokor Palace Hotel and Casino, is located. I was excited to go see the ruins for the first time but I was disappointed when I found this:

Bokor Palace Hotel

Do you feel what I feel, too? It used to be like this:

Photo by Mark Roy via Flickr.

The before-renovation photo was eerily beautiful; brooding and menacing at the same time that it was a fav destination for exploration by foreign visitors as well as ghost hunters. Some genius had the idea of renovating/refurbishing the hotel — and the result is the ugly, grey thingie that you see on the top-most photo.  I’m sure it was called a ruin for a reason 🙁

For more details about the ruins, you can read about it in my other blog, Sreisaat Adventures.

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APAD 280: Prayer hall

Posted by on Dec 1, 2014 in A Photo a Day, Addicted to Meme, All things Khmer, Cambodia life, Cycle 2, sights, That's My World, What's On in Cambodia | 2 comments

The prayer hall of Wat Leu (temple on top of the hill), located a few kilometers from Phnom Oudong.

apad 104 wat phnom leu

Here are some more pictures of Wat Leu.

Monday Mellow Yellows

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APAD 271: Maiden

Posted by on Nov 10, 2014 in A Photo a Day, Addicted to Meme, All things Khmer, Cambodia life, Cycle 2, sights, That's My World, What's On in Cambodia | 1 comment

The maiden of Battambang province. An example of my “drive-by” photography skills! Or, the lack of it. Ehrm.

Monday Mellow Yellows

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