>Wordless Wednesday 007: A traditional Khmer wedding

Posted by on Nov 4, 2009 in A Photo a Day, All things Khmer, Cambodia, Cambodia life, culture, people, Wordless Wednesday | 3 comments

>a khmer traditional wedding

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  1. >How fortunate to have traditions to follow. Its very beautiful. Happy WW

  2. >Wonderful glimpse for those of us raised in Christian rural United States towns. My wife and I had the fortune of attending a Hindu wedding, and it was quite an experience.

  3. >@Sukhmandir Kaur, you are right. Traditions should not be abandoned nor left to vanish away. It helps us understand about our ancestors and make us feel proud about ourselves.@Mark, thanks for visiting. Don't you just love a world of diverse culture? I haven't attended a Hindu wedding, must be quite a beautiful ceremony as well.

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