Posts made in October, 2007

>Wordless Wednesday

Posted by on Oct 31, 2007 in Cambodia, rural, sights, Wordless Wednesday | 0 comments

>local print ad

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>Photo Hunt #2 Pink

Posted by on Oct 29, 2007 in Cambodia, rural, sights | 0 comments


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>Wordless Wednesday #11 – Dusk at Prek Toal

Posted by on Oct 24, 2007 in Cambodia, rural, sights, sunsets | 0 comments

>lake of serenity

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>Photo Hunt #1 – Practical

Posted by on Oct 19, 2007 in Kep, Photo Hunt, rural, travel | 0 comments


Hi. It’s only Friday but I’m already putting up my Photo Hunt entry! It just shows how excited I am… this is my first time.

Last year I was assigned in the rural town of Kep due to my research work with the moto-dop as my only means of transportation. Since I couldn’t drive a motorbike, my husband accompanied me to Kep where he gladly assumed the role of my moto-dop driver. We traveled all over 3 communes in Damnak Chang’eur district, which is composed of 11 villages, come rain or shine. Of course, our Max goes with us everywhere. To make it easier for her to get on the motorbike, this was what we came up with:


My husband is camera-shy and wants to remain faceless, at least in this entry 🙂

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>Wordless Wednesday #10 – Seen at the market

Posted by on Oct 17, 2007 in people, sights, Wordless Wednesday | 0 comments

>spices copy

bugs copy

hammock seller copy

See more Wordless Wednesday participants here.

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