>Sepia Scenes 001: Khmer Royalty

Posted by on Mar 5, 2009 in A Photo a Day, All things Khmer, people, Sepia Scenes, Wordless Wednesday | 4 comments



My first entry to the Sepia Scenes Photo-meme. See other entries at Sepia Scenes.

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  1. >Great first entry. I think tradition and sepia is a good combination. Best wishes.

  2. >I agree – great first entry. I like the old paper look of the photo. Nicely rendered!My Sepia post is on my photoblog: Carletta’s Captures.

  3. >Very special entry, nice done!

  4. >Sreisaat, Welcome to Sepia Scenes! We’re so glad to have you participate! This picture is incredible! So well done in sepia and old paper. Is this a current photo or an old one? I might be showing my ignorance but I hope not! 🙂

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