>Sunday Scenery 004: Harvest time

Posted by on Mar 1, 2009 in A Photo a Day, All things Khmer, Kep, rural, Sunday Scenery | 5 comments



Typical rural Cambodian scene during summertime, just right after the rice crops had been harvested. The once verdant green rice field is now a field of yellow when the rice crops ripen. Here you see the rice plants had already been cut and left to fallow.

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  1. >Thank you, I’ve never seen a picture with rice fields waiting to be harvested and I would have thought that was simply dry grass in the foreground of the picture. It looks extremely lush there!

  2. >A beautiful scene, really pastoral.

  3. >A beautiful scene, really pastoral.

  4. >I love this picture. It is so far removed from the scenery that I am accustomed to and also it is not your everyday touristy beach picture. Really stunning scenery.

  5. >Absolutely stunning. I love what appears to be a temple showing in the background. This really gives a nice taste of the Cambodia countryside. Thanks for being a part of Sunday Scenery.

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