>That’s My World! 001: Dreaming of Koh Tonsay

Posted by on Mar 3, 2009 in A Photo a Day, All things Khmer, Kep, rural, sights, Wordless Wednesday | 6 comments



Koh Tonsay (Rabbit Island)
Kep, Cambodia

Summertime is here and the blue waters of Koh Tonsay beckons. Koh Tonsay is my favorite beach in Cambodia… it is still pristine and there is a wild and unyielding feel to the island. With only a few families living here, beach-goers can have the whole island to themselves away from the maddening crowd, enjoying the waters and the fresh seafood, watching the sunrise or sunset, and if you are lucky enough, you can see dolphins playing from a distance. I can’t wait to go there again.

More photos showing different parts of the world are found at That’s My World!.

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  1. >What a gorgeous location, Wow great shot.Have a great week!GuyRegina In Pictures

  2. >Paradise, to be sure.

  3. >beeyooootiful! i miss the beach already 🙂 thank goodness, summer is coming yeeheey!My world is here

  4. >A beautiful lace!

  5. >Stunning. I am hoping to visit Cambodia in the summer and I can’t wait!

  6. >Sounds wonderful, I would love to visit.

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