>That’s My World! 002: Two bikes by the curve

Posted by on Mar 10, 2009 in A Photo a Day, All things Khmer, Cambodia life, Kep, rural, sights, That's My World | 9 comments



One of my favorite things to do on weekends is to go for a bike ride around Kep with my husband early in the morning. Kep is only a small city with 11 villages in total. It takes about an hour’s easy ride to go from one end to another. All throughout the way, the breeze is refreshing and the view — fantastic!

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  1. >That looks like a nice place to ride your bike or take a walk on. Thanks for sharing your world

  2. >What a beautiful place to ride a bike. This is a fabulous photo!

  3. >Excellent photo, looks like a great place to take a bikeride, thanks for sharing.Have a great week!GuyRegina In Pictures

  4. >Fantastic indeed. Love the tree, the water, the bikes… I can almost feel the breeze.

  5. >A truly scenic bike ride. That tree sure has a windy spot to grow.

  6. >I can definitively see why you like to take a bike ride from time to time! Your view is beautiful!Greetings from Niger,Esther

  7. >Awesome photo, I’d like to take a ride there.

  8. >A wonderful photo of a wonderful place! Cambodia is so far away – for me!Greetings from Norway!

  9. >enjoyed your post…i can see why you love biking in world.have a great week.

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