>That’s My World 003: Psah Kandal, Phnom Penh

Posted by on Apr 21, 2009 in A Photo a Day, All things Khmer, culture, festivals, Phnom Penh, sights, That's My World, What's On | 6 comments

>IC APAD 049
Traffic frenzy a day before the Khmer New Year. See story here.

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  1. >You certainly have more traffic there than me! Colourful frenzy indeed.

  2. >The street look busy..nice photo.Have a nice day.

  3. >Maybe I shouldn’t complain about the traffic where I live!

  4. >great capture of the traffic…and i clicked through to learn more about your new year…fascinating. thank you for sharing your wonderful world with us.

  5. >Oh my, the traffic is terriffic!

  6. >Very busy street scene, wonder where they are all heading.Nice to see something of Cambodia.

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