>Mellow Yellow Monday 006: Golden hour

Posted by on Dec 14, 2009 in All things Khmer, Cambodia, Mellow Yellow Monday, sights, sunsets | 15 comments

>golden hour
Sun-worshippers, coastal town of Kep
Golden hour… when the sun is dying against the dark…
The most bewitching hour.

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  1. >Wonderful picture. I hope the water was warm.

  2. >What beutiful golden light!… I shared my views of "Fresh Snow"

  3. >oh, nice capture! it's beautiful! My mellow yellow is here.

  4. >What a beautiful ray of sunshine!Sweet Smile for Mellow Yellow Monday.

  5. >Such a beautiful sunset. Love your entry

  6. >oh, that's what they're doing? I pity them. Thanks for the visit anyway.http://wwwbacolodandbeyond.blogspot.com

  7. >beautiful!

  8. >stunning view!Baking Cookies is my mellow yellow entry.

  9. >Worshipers gatherat the shore and in the wavesto watch sun dying.My Mellow Yellow

  10. >wow! that is one awesome sunset photo! Magnificent!!MellowYellow

  11. That is a gorgeous photo. It tells so many stories, too.

  12. Wish I am close to the beach right now and taking a warm sun bathing lol!! For now we are covered with snow and the mighty sun is asleep behind dark clouds they keep ^_^

    My MYM

  13. thats a breathtaking shot!

    u may view mine here

  14. @Princess Sarah, you pity them? Why?

  15. Beautiful photo!

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