APAD 043: To park, or, not to park?

Posted by on Apr 21, 2011 in A Photo a Day, Addicted to Meme, All things Khmer, Signs | 9 comments

That is a good question. The sign seems to be out-of-place here.

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  1. Tsk!you faulty sign you LOL Sign,probably you need to indicate & specify car brands or plate nos. next time 😀

  2. Maybe someone keeps moving it around?!!

  3. Not!

  4. What is missing in the sign is: VIPs okay to park here :)http://ewok1993.wordpress.com

  5. "Except for me". Funny catch!

  6. Nice find!

  7. Only need one person to ignore, and the rest will follow. Nice capture.

  8. SUVs always think they are exempt. 😉

  9. Funny! People must not be too afraid of enforcement.The sign looks as if it could be moved easily which would be a little scary to me. Maybe they'd move it to where you'd parked already and then write you a ticket?

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