APAD 071: A big NO!

Posted by on May 19, 2011 in A Photo a Day, Addicted to Meme, All things Khmer, Cambodia, Cambodia life, sights, Signs | 8 comments

Saw this sign at the entrance gate of a boutique hotel where I met friends for a swim not long ago. Here’s a closer view of the sign at the bottom:

I hope the message is heard loud and clear!
Massive efforts are being done to combat this global issue and in Cambodia, with the collaboration between the government, international organisations and the different sectors in the community, anti-trafficking projects are implemented in all levels. We are optimistic that this will be eliminated if every one is vigilant and cooperative. It is my fervent hope that I will not see signs like this anymore in the near future.

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  1. Wow, I'm so glad this is being discouraged. I too hope someday they will be able to take down those signs!

  2. It's sad that signs like that are needed.

  3. Wow indeed.

  4. This is a very moving post. I don't think a notice has affected me so strongly for long time.Lucy

  5. The sad truth.

  6. i don't think "sex tourists" would be ashamed when they read the sign. but it's good that there is an effort to stop this.

  7. That's depressing!

  8. It is a sad commentary on humanity that signs like are needed.

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