APAD 119: Pink temple

Posted by on Jul 12, 2011 in A Photo a Day, Addicted to Meme, All things Khmer, Cambodia life, Kep, sights, That's My World | 6 comments

Photo taken in one of my field interviews in Kep. If I am not mistaken, we found this wat (temple) in a village in Ou Krasang commune in Kep. Apparently, monks like pink colour, too, as evidenced by this pink wat. The colour stands out in the middle of all the greens around it.

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  1. the pink is right up my alley. the color makes the temple really inviting.

  2. Hi, Sreissat, I’ve been surviving sizzling and sweltering summer. I hope you’re doing well. Is this wat a Hindu temple or a Buddhist one? Japanese temples are mostly natural wooden color. When Buddhism was imported from India, Hindu gods entered Japan with it and have served as guardian gods of Buddhism. They were originally very colorful. That’s why I wondered if the wat is Hindu. However, Buddhist temples in Thailand are colorful, so I’m a little confused. Anyway, nice shot of the pink and blue wat.Have happy days ahead.

  3. The colours of the temple remind me of a Hindu temple.

  4. Thank you for dropping by, Stardust. The temple in the picture is a Buddhist temple. Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, and Myanmar practice Theravadda Buddhism based on the earliest teachings of the Buddha and preserved in Sri Lanka after Mahayana Buddhism branched off in the second century B.C. During the KR regime in Cambodia, most of the wats were destroyed. This temple was built not long ago and mostly young monks live here. That probably is the reason why the temple's colour is unconventional for a Buddhist temple.

  5. Hi Lotusleaf, I've never been to India yet but I agree with you. But I don't think the colour of this particular temple is Hindu-influenced, as per Stardust comment above. These days, there are a lot of recently-built temples in non-traditional colours 🙂

  6. well it's pink alright, but the blue compliments it nicely. I love your composition here – it enlarges beautifully. and that is one grand flight of steps. I love this photo.

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