APAD 130: Field of lotus flowers

Posted by on Aug 2, 2011 in A Photo a Day, Addicted to Meme, All things Khmer, Cambodia, Cambodia life, food, rural, sights, That's My World | 5 comments

Spending our weekend with the children from Aziza’s Place away from the city last Saturday was a welcome respite from the hustle-bustle of city life. Only an hour away from the capital of Phnom Penh, the sight of this fantastic field of greens dotted with white and varying shades of pink was very appealing and relaxing to my city-eyes.

Lotus is one of my favourite flowers and this wide expanse of gently waving lotus plants in the pond fascinate me. They grow wild all over Cambodia. While a lotus flower in full-bloom is stunningly beautiful, almost all parts of the plant are used in cooking.

Here’s a close-up of a lotus flower:

The yellow head in the centre becomes the seed pod when the petals have dried and fallen off. The seeds when it is fully green is harvested by Cambodians and are sold in the market. These seeds are eaten and tastes, surprisingly, like peanuts. Here’s my previous post about the lotus seeds.

More photos around the world at That’s My World.


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  1. that lotus macro is superb

  2. this is beautiful. lovey shade of pink.

  3. that lotus flower center is awesome. I did not know that all parts of the lotus flower are used in cooking. that field is beautiful.

  4. The view of the pond filled with lotus flowers and leaves is spectacular. Your photo is magically breathtaking. The brilliant color of the close-up lotus flower is new to me. Lotus root is popular ingredient for the dishes eaten on the New Year or on auspicious occasions, because we can see future through the holes.I also read your post about lotus seeds. It was educational to me. Thank you for all, Sreisaat. Have happy days ahead.Yoko

  5. How beautiful!

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