APAD 147: Phnom Penh Railway Station

Posted by on Aug 30, 2011 in A Photo a Day, Addicted to Meme, All things Khmer, buildings, Cambodia, Cambodia life, Phnom Penh, sights | 6 comments

The Phnom Penh Railway Station.  Quiet now but  soon it will be bustling with activity.

I took this photo whilst I was on a tuktuk on the way to the meet a friend last week. I took several shots and this one came out thebest of them all.

The Railway Station of Phnom Penh has recently been restored with the funding coming from international aid money. As you can see, the new coat of paint from the recent major makeover makes it look like a brand new building.  New signs displaying schedules were put up, unfortunately, it is still not open for operations. It is unclear up to now when the passenger service resumes. Only the freight service is working at present from Phnom Penh to a few selected points in the country.

I love this French colonial building. If only I had taken a better picture you will agree with me and admire more its art-deco style. The tuktuks parked in front of the closed station leads you to believe that they are waiting for passengers!

Currently, the railways all over the country are being repaired and upgraded. It won’t be too long before trains from Thailand and neighbouring countries to start operating services. Cambodia is the missing link to the planned Trans-Asian Railway network planned by ASEAN countries. If everything goes well, traveling around SEA will be more convenient and enjoyable.

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  1. i await the day this trans-asian railway network starts operating here. it would be a new adventure for sure :))

    • I am excited about the possibilities it would bring! Let’s hope everything will be completed while we are still in Cambodia 🙂

  2. i immediately recognized the beautiful architecture of this building. it’s striking in its simplicity and lines. the new paint helps too. I’m happy it’s been restored somewhat. and I hope the Trans-Asian Railway grows. and that it’s finished by the time I visit! 🙂 happy day to you. I like your new look, it’s grand.

    • Why, thank you, Ms. Becky!
      We are hoping that the Cambodian link will be finished soon while we are still here in Cambodia.

  3. Great to see the PP Railway looking spick and span. It closed down when we were there in 2000.

    • Hi Mark. There’s a massive railway reconstruction going on but the train passenger service is still not in operations. Hopefully, we will hear some good news by next year 🙂

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