APAD 152: The floating houses

Posted by on Sep 7, 2011 in A Photo a Day, Addicted to Meme, All things Khmer, Cambodia, Cambodia life | 5 comments

These are but a few of the boathouses belonging to a floating community along the confluence of Tonle Bassac and Tonle Sap rivers. Watching the boat-people is a quick glimpse of sorts  at the way of life of a floating village in Cambodia.

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  1. Beautiful!

    • Thank you, Esther. I was worried about how it’s going to come out because I have only a cheap digicam and used the zoom to get a better pic.

  2. Oh, what a wonderful shot. When I enlarged it, I was thrilled with all of the color and detail I was able to see. I am thinking that the number of people living on one of the boats is pretty large. The idea of “boat people” is fascinating to me. A wonderful post and a beautiful capture. genie

    • Hello, Genie. I’m glad the pic looks good when enlarged. A family of 5 can live on a house-boat. When I was younger, I used to dream about living in one. Coming to Cambodia and actually saw the situation made it even real for me. Thanks for your compliments.

  3. Nice shot. Living on one of these would make you be tidy and unburdened by too many things.
    Nice to be rocked to sleep and have house and transport all in one.

    Thank you for linking to aOur world and have ahappy day.

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