APAD 159: The polite tuk-tuk driver

Posted by on Sep 15, 2011 in A Photo a Day, Addicted to Meme, Cambodia, Cambodia life, Phnom Penh, sights, Signs, transportation, What's On in Cambodia | 4 comments

I was supposed to post a different photo but this one caught my attention while I was browsing through my twitter page. I just knew I had to post it today:

This sign just says it all!

If you have been to Phnom Penh or Siem Reap, you would know how it is being harrassed by persistent tuktuk drivers.  Upon arrival at the bus stations or bus stops, or merely walking down the streets, you cannot escape an awful lot of tuktuk and moto drivers swarming around you (or stalking you) for a ride. I know they have to be in order to make a living but, by golly, it is a traumatic experience even for a resident expat.

This photo was originally uploaded here by LTO_Cambodia.

More signs all over the world at Signs, Signs. Please do have a look.

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  1. He’d get my business.

  2. That also sometimes happen in the Philippines. But now I missed it the hustle and bustle of city life ^_^


  3. I cannot believe that they get away with harassing you all. That is really spooky. I bet they are a real pain in the neck. Sorry you are having to deal with the irritation. Love the photo, though. He looks like a very happy camper ! genie

  4. I would be much more inclined to use his services – he’s probably more honest, too!

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