APAD 171: Souvenir Cambodian Tshirts

Posted by on Oct 6, 2011 in A Photo a Day, Addicted to Meme, All things Khmer, Cambodia, Cambodia life, That's My World, What's On in Cambodia | 7 comments

Tourists who want to bring home a piece of Cambodia are not disappointed because there are hundreds, and I mean hundreds, of souvenir shops all over the country. Ranging from beautiful silk cloths to  Angkorian and Buddhist-themed carvings, to silverwork and precious and semi-precious gems, to the most traditional  souveniris of all Cambodian souvenirs – the krama, a checkered, multi-purpose scarf unique only to Cambodia. However, most young tourists still prefer pretty funky Tshirts with deSIGNS like below:

Funky deSIGNS. I especially love the DRUNKNMUNKY shirt, don’t you?

They are made of cotton, come sin different colours, and sizes and they’re sold less than the price of a cheeseburger – so cheap!

More signs all over the world at Signs, Signs. Please do have a look.

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  1. i’m a fan of souvenir shirts. i don’t go home without some t-shirts when i travel.:p they’re great pasalubong.

  2. yep, I’m a fan of the souvenir t-shirt, too! it must be especially attractive that they are so cheap.
    I’d be interested in seeing this checkered scarf, krama, though.

  3. There certainly is a lot to choose from!

  4. A fun way to remember your holidays. 🙂

  5. Very cool looking shirts!

  6. T Shirts do make practical souvenirs — we live in very small spaces and I don’t have room for sourvenirs unless I can wear them!

  7. NOt sure if my earlier comment went through. T-Shirts do make good souvenirs.

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