APAD 202: Do not snub this sign

Posted by on Nov 17, 2011 in A Photo a Day, Addicted to Meme, Cambodia life, Expat Life, food | 5 comments

I often see this sign along St. 51 (Pasteur St.) on my way to the Filipino store but I dilly-dally in going because the sign may be attractive but the interior looked dark and dull and lacked the oomph factor. However, because me and a friend are adventurous (to some extent) that we decided to give it a try.

And we were in for a surprise.

Boran is a Khmer word meaning “traditional” so immediately we thought that they are serving Khmer traditional dishes/cuisine. We were mistaken; the place offers Thai food. Small  but clean. Needless to say, we loved the food there. We ordered pad thai and green curry and we were so satisfied.  Very reasonable price for authentic Thai dishes. Highly recommended.

More signs all over the world at Signs, Signs. Please do have a look.



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  1. It looks like the tractor just got plowed up after several years in the ground.

  2. The front looks like a nice set up, but yes, I can see that further inside it might be a bit dark. Love Thai food (never had Cambodian food, so can’t compare)

  3. I’ve found that sometimes the most out-of-the-way places do indeed have the best food! I love how the red and white of the outside and signs makes it look crisp and clean!

    Plus it made me hungry, and it’s lunch time right now!!!

  4. This is definitely the week for red in the signs. The signage is very eye catching. Where are the customers???? genie

  5. I’m glad you decided to go inside!

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