Phnom Oudong (Oudong Hill) and the giant stupas outlined against the blue sky, as seen from the national road.

apad 085 phnom oudong from a distanace

Phnom Oudong (Oudong Hill), faintly outlined against the blue sky, as seen from the national road.

Phnom Oudong is the ancient capital of the Kingdom of Cambodia in the 7th century and is the final resting place of her former Kings. The main shrine there contains three pieces of bones that is said to belong to the Lord Buddha.

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  1. Really love the shot! so beautiful! 🙂

    Happy Wordless Wednesday! My entry is here and here.

  2. Stunning shot…happy ww!

  3. Wonderful view of a country I know very little about! Please drop by and visit me at

    Happy WW! 🙂

  4. Wow. Lord Buddha? That is very cool! Thanks for joining us at Wordless Wednesday Bloggers!

    If you haven’t signed up for a weekly reminder, visit

  5. Beautiful!

    I played too. Mine are here and here.

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