APAD 094: Isang Bagsak

Posted by on Feb 21, 2013 in A Photo a Day, Addicted to Meme, Cycle 2, sights, Signs of Times, That's My World, travel | 4 comments

This was one of the interesting and enriching projects my (former) team and I joined several years ago. It gathered government workers, NGO staff, community members, other communication practitioners, and members of the academe in selected Southeast Asian countries for a collaborative project of building capacities for participatory development communication relating to natural resources management. On the wall sign, it shows the different activities undertaken by the participating countries, namely, Cambodia, Vietnam and the Philippines.

apad 094 participatory development communication southeast asia

Isang Bagsak! Southeast Asia

The project was dubbed the Isang Bagsak Southeast Asia Project. Isang Bagsak is a Filipino phrase coined to describe a unity cry accompanied by one single and loud clap and stomp of feet to signify unity, agreement, and appreciation, among others. “Isa”, means one; “bagsak” means fall. I hope my explanation makes sense 😉 A similar project was also done in Africa.


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  1. i wanted to see the sign up close.

  2. projects such as these are beneficial for developing countries like the Philippines. i was just watching a docu about small-scale mining in the south.

  3. Your explanation does make sense and it was a wonderful project.. I too would like to see the signs up close!

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