APAD 096: This is my Phnom Penh!

Posted by on Feb 26, 2013 in A Photo a Day, Addicted to Meme, All things Khmer, sights, That's My World, What's On in Cambodia | 4 comments

This is Phnom Penh, the city I call home for more than a decade now. It is a city that has changed a lot since the first time I set foot here in 2000.

apad 096 this is phnom penh

Photo taken from top of the Mekong Tower View in Chroy Changvar peninsula.

It’s landscape has changed a lot. Skyscrapers are starting to populate Phnom Penh’s skyline, the number of vehicles increased how many folds and there are now a lot of shopping malls, ATM machines, coffee shops high-end hotels and high-rise serviced apartments, just to name a few. In a few years time, it will be just like any other city in Southeast Asia.

While the city might have changed it still has the same chaotic feel that I, and lots of other expat-residents and travelers who’ve come and gone, love about Phnom Penh. It gets too crowded at times, dusty, gritty, but it is a good place to live. The locals are helpful, polite, and friendly. The city has everything we want as expats and there are definitely a lot more to discover and explore.


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  1. Just wait, there’s going to be more urbanization to come.

  2. What beautiful reflections on your city!

  3. What a beautiful city. Love this image. That looks like it is very packed! : )

  4. Beautiful city.

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