Posts made in May 2nd, 2013

APAD 130: No to sex tourism!

Posted by on May 2, 2013 in A Photo a Day, Addicted to Meme, All things Khmer, Cambodia life, Cycle 2, Expat Life, sights, Signs of Times, That's My World, What's On in Cambodia | 2 comments

apad 130 sex tourists are not welcome

Found this at the entrance gate of a boutique hotel in Phnom Penh. It just reminds you of the many problems people encounter in this country, especially the women and children. There’s a lot of information on sex trafficking on the Internet and it’s enough to make you angry.

The tourism industry and other businesses in Cambodia have joined forces with NGOs and government agencies to combat this issue and pledged to cooperate with authorities in spotting and reporting cases. Also part of the tourism industry’s pledge is to provide training to their staff on how to recognise and report child sexual exploitation.

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