I’m so in love with this Khmer traditional wooden house (see picture). A traditional Khmer house is typically built on stilts, about 2-3ms above the ground.

 khmer traditional wooden house teak house

When my husband and I finally decide to settle, our dream house will definitely bear some features of a Khmer house – an external staircase that leads up to the living area, with wooden beams and shutters, and a wrap-around balcony. The ground area serve will also serve as the parking space or a recreation place; it can also serve as a resting area (hang our hammocks and doze off to lala-land!), or, can be a dirty kitchen.

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  1. This houses are wonderful, I know similar ones from Vietnam and Laos. The wood construction and the airy architectur is fantastic.

  2. Very attractive housing. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  3. I love your ideas about your ideal home. The wooden architecture of this one looks so invitingly warm and friendly.

  4. Beautiful structure and beautiful wood. Teak?

  5. I love Cambodia, the people and their traditional home. I’d love to live in that home myself.

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