When I was single and living by myself in Phnom Penh, weekends are the most dreaded part of the week. This was the time when the blues set in. When you’re alone in a foreign country, there’s no escaping this. So what to do?

I discovered the joy of thrift-hunting! I went to secondhand stalls in the market, scouring items from shoes to gadgets to home decors and what-have-yous. This secondhand stall is located inside Psah Thmey (Central Market) in Phnom Penh.

Lots of secondhand stuff are for sale in markets in Phnom Penh.

Lots of secondhand stuff are for sale in markets in Phnom Penh.

This stall sells beddings and stuffed toys and women’s lingerie (across). While I enjoy thrift-hunting, my purchases are limited to clothes (especially vintage), decors and kitchen items.

Monday Mellow Yellows

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  1. I love secondhand! What beautiful colors! Especially the golden yellow! Happy Monday Mellow Yellows!

  2. Superb vivid colors – I enjoyed a recent vist to Cambodia. Liked the people – and the coffee!

    Lovely blog too!

  3. Dazzling variety of colours. Great for brightening any day. Markets like this are so inspiring. Always something unusual to be found.

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