I helped organise this event *grins proudly*. It was held with the aim to raise awareness the issue of cleft deformities in Cambodia as well as to spread word about Operation Smile Cambodia’s International Surgical mission (that took place from 30 March to 4 April) held at the newly-opened Smile Center.

Operation Smile Cambodia’s Charity Bike Ride 2014

I also took part in the bike ride. There were nearly 200 cycling enthusiasts, young and old alike, who turned up. The starting line was at the Lucky Burger joint in Koh Pich (where we had free breakfast!) and finishing line was at the Khmer-Soviet Friendship Hospital along St. 271 where the Smile Center is located. It was only a 16-km fun ride that took the cyclists to the nicest parts of Phnom Penh.

Upon reaching the finish line, the cyclists had the opportunity to visit the spanking new Smile Center as well as meet the medical and non medical volunteers from Cambodia and 10 other countries and see them in action. It was a nice day, indeed!

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One Comment

  1. Lovely nature photo ~ xoxo ~ artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

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