Today’s post comes after nearly a month of absence. A few months ago you might remember that I quit my job… which would have given me more time to blog. The answer is, unfortunately, NO. That didn’t happen.

One does not simply find time to blog.

But the good thing is, I am back again 🙂

And it’s banana season in my backyard.

Alone and lonely. Just kidding.


Monday Mellow Yellows

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  1. Love seeing a large cluster of bananas on a tree. Instantly I think of mischievous monkeys. There’s quite a crop there.

    • Luckily, no monkeys around our neighbourhood! We have about a hundred banana trees in the compound planted by our landlord. They’re sweet and pesticide-free 🙂

  2. Pretty cool, have a nice Monday

    Much love…

  3. Such a beautiful photo !

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