APAD 250: We want to ride a bike

Posted by on Jul 8, 2014 in A Photo a Day, Addicted to Meme, Cambodia life, Cycle 2, Expat Life, pets, That's My World, What's On in Cambodia | 4 comments

Several weeks ago, we hosted some touring cyclists via warmshowers.org. This after a few years of being inactive there. Touring cyclists, as their name imply, are special kind of tourists who want to see the world up close and personal through cycling.

For every single cyclist or couples we hosted, we encountered amazing people. Lots of different personalities, yes, and opening our house to them might be off-putting (at least for me, in the beginning). I am not a cyclist, my husband is (he toured Western Europe back in 2004), but all my doubts and apprehensions vanished instantly. I feel there is this sense of community shared amongst them cycling enthusiasts. There is the initial awkwardness for some in the beginning, but more often, we meet cyclists who are very much open-minded, adventurous, and culturally-curious.

This year we hosted Tim and Laura Moss, a very nice couple from the UK, and Ray Pokai, the gentle giant from Australia. They are so passionate about You can follow their adventures by clicking the highlighted texts. My landlord’s puppies got to try to ride in Ray’s bicycle 🙂

We want to go for a bicycle ride...

From left to right: Pippo, Andy, and Red wanted to go for a bicycle ride…

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  1. Did they enjoy the ride? Most adorable little puppies! I hope that you all had a good time!

    • Thanks, they did get to ride and they all wanted to jump off! Hah! Must be terrified, poor puppies.

  2. Seems like your guests are on an amazing adventure. No wonder the puppies want a piece of the action.

    • Yes, they do! Listening to their stories make me want to go an cycling tour, too.

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