APAD 279: Phnom Penh’s summer trees

Posted by on Mar 26, 2012 in A Photo a Day, Addicted to Meme, All things Khmer, Cambodia, Cambodia life, sights, That's My World, transportation | 7 comments

Yes, these lovely flower trees are back and the streets of Phnom Penh are covered in a bright explosion of yellow. They are beautiful and striking, don’t you think so? The first time I saw them I  really got smitten.

This is how it looks like in my neighbourhood now. I hope I don’t forget to find a couple of seed pods to send to my mother. She, too, loves flowers and this flower tree will add colour to our small piece of homelot.

I should have taken more pictures but I’m inside a moving car and didn’t exactly fancy getting out lest I inhale smoke from the vehicles and worsen my allergy.

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  1. Great shot.

  2. Yes, truly beautiful!

    Visiting for Mellow Yellow Monday- hope you can stop by:)


  3. but we have lots of them here—is this golden showers tree? it’s also called rain tree. i love this flowering tree, too.

  4. Great street photo and a good post for MYM!
    Have a nice day!

  5. Beautiful! Have a fabulous week.

    Liz @ MLC

  6. What a great shot!

  7. Great shot!

    Egg Dress

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