APAD 275: The Smiling Faces of Bayon Temple

Posted by on Mar 13, 2012 in A Photo a Day, Addicted to Meme, Cambodia, Cambodia life, sights, That's My World, travel, What's On in Cambodia | 4 comments

Ladies and gentlemen, presenting to you the giant smiling faces of Bayon Temple, in Siem Reap, Cambodia. Angkor Wat is amazing but Bayon is a stand-out and my personal favourite. It is a temple like no other and worth going there to see them. Again and again.

These giant faces, looking in four directions, are hoisted in 52 towers representing the provinces of what was once the Great Khmer Empire. As to who the faces represent remain a mystery up to now.

Standing there – in awe – looking at these stone faces that are looming down on you is just memorable. The history, the beauty, as well as the architectural marvel is just unbelievable. The stone faces seem to look at you at any angle. Why, I could just stand there and stare back at the faces all day! Well, I’ll stop if I get hungry, to be honest 🙂

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  1. this is one of the places i’d like to see. hay, sana makabili kami ng promo fare soon.:p

    • Luna, tutok ka lang sa Cebu Pacific site! Better yet subscribe ka sa kanilang email-alerts.

  2. Couldn’t agree more. Also love this other temple that was not restored. It has huge roots growing all around the walls. Don’t recall what it’s called but that was fascinating to see.

    • Hi Jenn. The giant trees with enormous roots are in Ta Prohm Temple.

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