>Photo Hunt #1 – Practical
Hi. It’s only Friday but I’m already putting up my Photo Hunt entry! It just shows how excited I am… this is my first time.
Last year I was assigned in the rural town of Kep due to my research work with the moto-dop as my only means of transportation. Since I couldn’t drive a motorbike, my husband accompanied me to Kep where he gladly assumed the role of my moto-dop driver. We traveled all over 3 communes in Damnak Chang’eur district, which is composed of 11 villages, come rain or shine. Of course, our Max goes with us everywhere. To make it easier for her to get on the motorbike, this was what we came up with:
My husband is camera-shy and wants to remain faceless, at least in this entry 🙂
Read More>Wordless Wednesday #7 – A Floating Village in Prek Toal, Siem Reap, Cambodia
For more photos, visit WW HQ.
Read More>Hello, moto!
Motos or moto-dups are the main mode of transportation in Cambodia, particularly in rural areas. These motos can transport just about anything…
But where is the moto-driver?
Ahhh… there he is!
Er, what’s that moto doing on top of a van?
A local Evel Knievel-wannabe attempted to jump over this van and got stuck instead?
A middleman rounding/buying up the pigs in the village
And oh, those pigs were still alive.
Read More>Is it a UFO?
A bunch of metal cans floating along the road?
What is it then?
It’s the mighty can collector!!
Seen along Damnak Chambok village, Ou Krasar commune, Kep
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