Posts Tagged "holidays"

Our World Tuesday: Kep Beach

Posted by on Dec 12, 2016 in A Photo a Day, Addicted to Meme, Cambodia life, Cycle 4, Expat Life, That's My World, travel, What's On in Cambodia | 1 comment

Sand in my toes. #insidecambodia #kep #kepbeach #cambodia #cambodialife #holudayincambodia #travels #roadtrip #roadtripincambodia

A photo posted by Mr. and Mrs. Dilis (@inside_cambodia) on

Kep Beach
Kep, Cambodia

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APAD 198: Map

Posted by on Oct 24, 2013 in A Photo a Day, Addicted to Meme, All things Khmer, Cambodia life, Cycle 2, Signs of Times, That's My World, What's On in Cambodia | 2 comments

Outline map of Cambodia Ministry of Tourism

Outline map of Cambodia seen from the Ministry of Tourism’s float (Independence Day Parade, 2008).


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APAD 121: Suosdei Choul Chnnam Thmey!

Posted by on Apr 18, 2013 in A Photo a Day, Addicted to Meme, All things Khmer, Cambodia, Cambodia life, Cycle 2, Expat Life, sights, Signs of Times, That's My World, What's On in Cambodia | 6 comments

… Happy New Year.

Yes. We just celebrated the Cambodian New Year over the weekend, April 14-16 to be precise. It is a three-day celebration, according to the lunar calendar. It is also a celebration of the end of the harvest season. Hence, it is a colourful, festive and fun celebration.

happy khmer new year

This year, we welcomed New Year on the early hours of Saturday (2amish). Drumbeats and prayers from the wats (temples) ushered the New Year as well as the new Thevadas (see photo). In Buddhism, they are sort of angels, if you like, who’ve come to replace the old ones guarding the Earth.

To know more about the festive Khmer New Year, please click this link.

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APAD 120: Still empty

Posted by on Apr 17, 2013 in A Photo a Day, Addicted to Meme, All things Khmer, Cambodia life, Cycle 2, Expat Life, sights, That's My World, Uncategorized, What's On in Cambodia | 1 comment

Here in our neighbourhood, most residents have not returned yet from their New Year’s holiday.

apad 120 still empty

We cherish the remaining quiet moments. Sooner or later, they will return. So will the noise and regular flurry of activities.


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Sousdei chhoul chhnam thmey!

Posted by on Apr 13, 2012 in Cambodia, Cambodia life, That's My World, What's On in Cambodia | 2 comments

I just want to break my self-imposed blog hiatus to greet everyone a very happy new year. Today marks the beginning of the Cambodian new year, that is, the year 2556.

Cambodian New Year Offering, by Somongkol Tan (via Twitter)

May this year be a start of something new, productive, and wonderful for all of us…

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