Posts Tagged "kite-flying"

APAD 048: The kites are back.

Posted by on Dec 5, 2012 in A Photo a Day, Addicted to Meme, All things Khmer, Cambodia life, Cycle 2, Expat Life, sights, That's My World, What's On in Cambodia | 4 comments

Go to Wordless Wednesday for more entries.

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APAD 353: Sky-high delta

Posted by on Aug 24, 2012 in A Photo a Day, Addicted to Meme, Cambodia, Cambodia life, Expat Life, sights, That's My World | 3 comments

It is supposed to be the monsoon season here in Cambodia but the sun is still up and shining and the weather so hot and dry. So we  thought that we might as well take advantage of the good weather, right? That’s right, and we went kite-flying again. Here’s our delta flying high in the glorious cloud-filled sky.

Giving kite-flying another go before the monsoon rain comes.



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APAD 351: Beautiful butterfly

Posted by on Aug 22, 2012 in A Photo a Day, Addicted to Meme, sights, That's My World, travel | 7 comments

Go to Wordless Wednesdayfor more entries.

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APAD 339: A magical moment

Posted by on Aug 3, 2012 in A Photo a Day, Addicted to Meme, sights, That's My World, travel, What's On in Cambodia | 13 comments

Here’s another sundog photo my husband took last Sunday. I know, I could not get over the giddiness yet 🙂 so pardon me.

A magical (double) sundog moment for me right there.

Sundogs are not so common – but are also not rare – in my part of the world. I have read stories about sundogs, it’s mystical nature and the many beliefs of many cultures surrounding this natural phenomenon. Seeing one for the first time last week was just pure magic. I am still in awe.

Thank you, Mother Nature, for letting me see one of your grand displays. Truly a memorable one.

You can find the story here at Sreisaat Adventures.

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APAD 336: Sundog glory

Posted by on Jul 31, 2012 in A Photo a Day, Addicted to Meme, sights, That's My World, travel, What's On in Cambodia | 5 comments

One Sunday mid-morning, when my husband, brother and I were outdoors flying kites in Prey Sbov, just outside of Phnom Penh, Mother Nature treated us with this spectacular solar phenomenon:

Is this a double sundog? What a stunning creation of Mother Nature!
Originally posted to my other blog.

That’s a full sundog and a circumzenith arc.
It was my first time to see a sundog and I took it as an opportunity to record this phenomenon in pictures. Other photos can be found in my blog, Sreisaat Adventures.

It is not common in this part of the world but also not rare as there have been sightings in the past. Perhaps we’re too busy to notice, eh?

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