>Wordless Wednesday #20 – The Himalayan Mountain Range
I am in a conference now and the schedule is very hectic. For today’s WW, I am re-printing the picture I took and posted the other day. See story here. For other great photo contributions, go visit the Wordless Wednesday HQ. Happy WW!
Read More>Wordless Wednesday #19 – eTuktuk
This is an example of bringing the ICTs to rural communities – the etuktuk. This is among the many innovations showcased during the Global Knowledge Conference in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. For more Wordless Wednesday photos, check out the WW HQ.
Read More>Photo Hunt #7 Long – Elongated shadows
Hi. I am currently in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and will be here for 8 days to attend a series of workshop organized by IDRC as well as participate in the Global Knowledge conference. Luckily, there is free internet in the hotel where I am staying so I was able to post this week’s photo hunt entry even if it’s a little,err, late.
This photo was taken in Kep town, Cambodia in September 2006, while my husband and I were walking up to our hillside guesthouse. It was nearly 5pm and the sun was minutes away from setting. While we were walking, I noticed our shadows. The sun was behind us that our shadows were elongated, making us look taller and skinnier. I have been fascinated by shadows since I was little and loved the times I spent playing and stomping on shadows with my playmates. Ahh those were the times 🙂
Read More>Wordless Wednesday #18 – Scruffy and Scruffy
Check out the Wordless Wednesday HQ for more fantastic entries for this week.
Read More>Photo Hunt #6 – Red
>Teener 1: What’s your favorite color?
Teener 2: Fuschia, it’s so cool!
Teener 1: Oh yeah, can you spell it?
Teener 2: (Stammers) Fuschia? Uhm… fuschia… F-O-O-S…. oh no. Okay… F-U-S-H…uhmmm… F-U-C-S… hmmmp! Can I change to red instead? Red… R-I-D!
Teener 1: (Scratches her head)
I am so like teener #2, I can’t find something red so this color instead.
A commune hall in rural Cambodia
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